Academic stress in university students associated with the Covid-19 Pandemic.

September 28, 2020

Gonzalez L.

Espacio I+D

It seeks to detect the emotional effects identified as academic stress due to the confinement and daily disruption of university life. The Canabach Coping with Academic Stress scale was used, they had a sample of 206 participants which were obtained from 3 applications, a first of 40 people, a second of 72 and a third of 94, although they are not the The same participants emphasize the fact that they share some characteristics such as age (19 to 21 years), socioeconomic level (medium-low). Some representative items were selected for the topic that include different situations such as the application of an exam or problem solving, which show differences in stress levels which is attributed to the lack of organization in the study time on the part of the sample. Another fact to highlight is the socioeconomic level of the participants since most of them do not have technological tools to be able to carry out their work in a good way, this being one more reason to feel insecure and unmotivated in front of school activities.

Gonzalez L. Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios asociado a la pandemia por Covid-19. Espacio I+D 2020; 9 (5):158-179
