Impact of contact tracing on COVID-19 mortality: An impact evaluation using surveillance data from Colombia

March 4, 2021

Vecino-Ortiz AI, Congote JV, Bedoya SZ, Cucunuba ZM.


Vecino-Ortiz et al. assessed the impact of contact tracing, as a public health surveillance toolkit, on COVID-19 mortality in Colombia. In the primary sample, publicly available data were obtained for 54,931 cases in the Colombian National Institute of Health “Open Data” portal. To assess the proportion of cases identified through contact tracing on daily COVID-19 mortality, a sequential log-log fixed-effects model was used. Results show a 10% increase in cases identified through contact training was related to a reduction of mortality between 0.8% and 3.4%. Contact tracing can be an impactful surveillance tool for containing COVID-19 while also limiting the economic impact of the pandemic in LMICs. Ideally, it will be used as part of an integrated approach utilizing testing, isolation, and economic and social support for identified contacts.

Vecino-Ortiz AI, Congote JV, Bedoya SZ, Cucunuba ZM. Impact of contact tracing on COVID-19 mortality: An impact evaluation using surveillance data from Colombia. medRxiv. 2020. DOI:10.1101/2020.08.14.20158535.
