Occupacional facial dermatoses related to mask use in healthcare professionals

August 27, 2021

Ece Altun, Filiz Topaloglu Demir.

J Cosmet Dermatol

At the Medipol Mega University Hospital, health professionals were evaluated by means of a dermatological examination and an interview since the beginning of the pandemic in order to detect facial dermatoses.A total of 101 participants were evaluated, of which 51 (50.5%) were physicians and 50 (49.5%) nurses, 36 (35.6%) being men and 65 (64.4%) women. All participants had been actively working in the hospital for 35 to 46 weeks since the start of the pandemic and wore N95 or surgical masks for an average of 6 to 13 hours a day. During the dermatological examination, the most frequent facial dermatitis was acne, which was observed in 55.4% (n = 56) of the cases. Of the 56 acne cases, 41.1% (n = 23) had a history of acne, while 58.9% (n = 33) had new acne

Ece Altun, Filiz Topaloglu Demir. Occupacional facial dermatoses related to mask use in healthcare professionals. J Cosmet. Dermatol, Ago, 2021
