Psychosocial care route for teachers with burnout syndrome due to the quarantine generated by the covid-19

August 24, 2020

Mejia J, Silva C, Rueda Y.


The health crisis has generated a radical change in the work environment, one of the biggest complications has been in the academic field, since a high percentage of teachers have worked only the face-to-face modality and the virtual plane is something completely unknown for this sector. The work seeks to propose a route of psychosocial care for teachers who can generate Burnout syndrome due to the current situation. Burnout is understood as an acute manifestation of work stress. One of the generators is chronic distress, which is a paralyzer which little by little destroys the will of the affected person, making a dent in the body and mind, requiring priority attention, usually it does not present physical characteristics, but it diminishes at a cognitive level. It was determined that the factors that generate burnout in the teaching population are indiscipline in class, unsatisfactory working conditions, lack of authority, lack of group control, poor control of emotions, poor self-care practices, excess workload or overload. saturation. All these variables are present in this contingency period. A care route is proposed where educational institutions identify Burnout cases in two ways, the first by applying evaluations or interviews with the institution's psychologist and, on the other hand, guidance for teachers who do not claim to be affected anymore. As mentioned above, burnout can affect without the patient being fully aware of the problem, it seeks to identify warning signs such as changes in mood, demotivation, mental exhaustion or lack of energy.

Mejia J, Silva C, Rueda Y. Ruta de atención psicosocial para docentes con síndrome de burnout a causa de la cuarentena generada por el Covid-19. Revista GISST 2020: 133-143
