Remote education and teacher mental health in times of COVID-19

January 4, 2022

Orrego, T. V.

Revista de estudios y experiencias en educación

Since March 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has substantially transformed education in Chile and around the world as a result of the closure of educational establishments, this has brought challenges to the teaching-learning process and probably increased the psychological consequences of the pandemic. and confinement measures. However, there is little evidence on its impact on teacher mental health. In this scenario, this article aimed to describe the mental health of Chilean teachers, five months after the closure of educational establishments. Using a non-probabilistic sampling, an online survey was applied between July 09 and August 06, 2020 to 4,109 educators, teachers and managers from all over the country. Through frequency analysis, the results show that 68.8% of respondents self-report problems in the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). In addition, they reveal high rates in women, the youngest, those who work in the basic and secondary education classroom, caregivers and those with symptoms or personal or family diagnosis of COVID-19 as teachers who are particularly vulnerable to present mental health problems. Although only 29.4% of the teachers indicated that they did not talk to anyone about their symptoms, a significant affectation of personal relationships is observed that urges the development of preventive and palliative interventions, both during the health crisis and at the end of the pandemic.

Orrego, T. V. Remote education and teacher mental health in times of COVID-19. Revista de estudios y experiencias en educación. Vol.21 No.45.
