Praying for Hand Soap and Masks: Health and Human Rights Violations in U.S Immigration Detention during the COVID-19 Pandemic

January 12, 2021

Katherine Peeler, MD, Parsa Erfani, Caroline H. Lee, Nishant Uppal, Kathryn Hampton, MSt, Ranit Mishori MD, MHS, Elsa Raker

Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights and Harvard Medical School faculty and students partnered to record experiences of 50 recently released individuals from 20 different US detention centers in 12 different states from July 13th to October 3rd, 2020. The inadequacies in these facilities regarding their COVID-19 responses are but are not limited to: 85% of detainees found out about COVID-19 in the news, 80% were never able to social distance in the eating area, 96% reported they were not socially distant while sleeping, 42% of participants noted not having access to soap at one point during their detention, 82% reported not having access to sanitizer at all in the facility, 26% reported never seeing surfaces be disinfected, and 86% reported the inadequate protective conditions. Of the participants who had reported or protested issues related to COVID-19 in the detention centers, 56% experienced acts of intimidation such as verbal abuse, pepper spray, and solitary confinement. Of the 52% percent of interviewees that noted at least one comorbidity, 86% told staff and were not given separate rooms. Twenty-one of 50 interviewees reported having COVID-19 symptoms; however, only 18 of these individuals felt comfortable reporting their symptoms, of whom, none were tested or isolated. This study demonstrates that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities did not adhere to their own Pandemic Response Requirements and Centers for Disease Control guidance, as well as the U.S Constitution. The authors suggest releasing those in detention centers in order to shelter safely.

Peeler K. Praying for Hand Soap and Masks - Physicians for Human Rights. 2021 (accessed Jan 13, 2021).
