Swabs Collected by Patients or Health Care Workers for SARS-CoV-2 Testing

June 3, 2020

Tu Y-P, Jennings R, Hart B, et al.

The New England Journal of Medicine

Conducted in the Puget Sound region of Washington, this cross-sectional study evaluated the sensitivity of self-collected tongue, nasal, and mid-turbinate swab specimens by RT-PCR using samples collected from 530 patients presenting with symptoms of upper respiratory infection. Using nasopharyngeal (NP) swab specimens collected by health care workers for a comparison, the estimated sensitivities of the three types of samples from the patients were 89.8%. This study demonstrates the usefulness of collecting selfcollected tongue, nasal, or mid-turbinate specimens for testing and diagnosis of COVID-19, particularly given the potential for patients to sneeze, cough, or gag during NP swab collection, which puts health care workers at increased risk of transmission.

Tu Y-P, Jennings R, Hart B, et al. Swabs Collected by Patients or Health Care Workers for SARS-CoV-2 Testing. N Engl J Med 2020; : 1–3.

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